+7 (7252) 49-31-81

To copyright owners

Dear authors and composers!

If you are an author of a scientific, literary, or artistic work, or if you are an owner of an exclusive copyright that have been inherited by you or transferred to you under a contract, then you are in the right place.

So, if you wish to delegate control over your copyright to the Republican Public Association “Union of Songwriters”, you will not have to monitor any cases of illegal use of your works, spending a lot of time, effort, and money (finally, it takes a lot of nervous strain too).

After you delegate such control, you will:

  1. sign a Contract for collective management of authors’ rights provided to you by employees of the Republican Public Association “Union of Songwriters”; be provided with an Annex to the Contract, pursuant to which your work (dramatic, musical-dramatic, literary, musical with or without lyrics, choreographic, visual) will be listed as a work, the copyright to which is to be managed by the Association, be paid author’s royalties from amounts collected by the Association from users;
  2. be provided with the required legal assistance with regard to matters related to copyright by qualified lawyers;
  3. In addition, you will be able to receive royalties due to you from domestic Users and foreign authors’ societies collected for you by the Association.

Authors, who delegate their property rights to the Republican Public Association “Union of Songwriters”, should have:

  • Passport and/or a personal identification document,
  • Settlement account,

as well as the following materials:

  • Music (any data medium):
  • Lyrics or a text (either printed or handwritten, hard copy only) on them.