+7 (7252) 49-31-81

Copyright Protection

Copyright and copyright protection

Copyright to a scientific, literary or an artistic work is created as soon as the work comes into existence. A registration of the work, any special preparation or formalities are not required in order for a copyright to be created and exercised.

Warning marking

In order to make a notification about their exclusive property rights, the author and/or the right holder have the right to use the copyright sign, which is placed on each copy of the work and necessarily consists of the following three elements:

  1. Latin letter “C” in a circle;
  2. name of the owner of the exclusive copyright;
  3. year when the work was first published.
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The author (in order to certify their personal non-property rights to an unpublished work) and copyright owner (in order to confirm ownership of their exclusive property rights to the work) have the right to officially register such rights at any time during the copyright term or the term of the relevant agreements.

Registration of copyrighted items

Copyright covers both published (published, publicly released, publicly performed and/or publicly shown) and unpublished works that exist in any objective form.

Author’s exclusive rights to use of a work shall refer to the right to implement, give permission to implement, or prohibit, the following activities:

1) reproduction of the work (right of reproduction);
2) any distribution of the originals or copies of the work: by way of sale, exchange, lease, and/or by other operations, including those in an open telecommunications network (the right to distribute);
3) import copies of the work for the purposes of distribution;
4) public display of the work (right of public display);
5) public performance of the work (right of public performance);
6) communication of the work to the public, including broadcasting on air and/or by cable (right of communication to the public);
7) broadcasting on air, including first broadcasting and/or any subsequent broadcasting for the general public (right of broadcasting on air);
8) broadcasting by cable, including first broadcasting and/or any subsequent broadcasting for the general public by cable;
9) translation of the work (right to translate);
10) modification, arrangement, or making other alterations, of the work (right to alter);

10-1) publication of the work (right to publish);
11) other activities allowed by the Kazakh legislation.

The following items may be copyrighted:

  1. literary works;
  2. dramatic and musical-dramatic works;
  3. scripts and scenarios;
  4. works of choreography and pantomime;
  5. musical works with or without lyrics;
  6. audiovisual works;
  7. paintings, sculptures, works of graphic art, and other works of visual arts;
  8. works of applied art;
  9. works of architecture, urban planning and landscape art;
  10. photographic works and works obtained by methods similar to photography;
  11. maps, plans, sketches, illustrations and three-dimensional works related to geography, topography and other sciences;
  12. computer software;
  13. other works.

SOURCE: Бизнес Рост
