+7 (7252) 49-31-81

About us


Republican public association “Union of songwriters” / RPA UOS / was created on a collective basis in 2010. The activities of the RPA UOS are carried out throughout the territory of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law “On Public Associations”, the Law “On Copyright and Related Rights”, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Company’s Charter.

Our society is based on the principles of voluntary and equal membership, democratic self-government and publicity. The main purpose of the RPA UOS is to administer economic rights of authors and copyright holders on a collective basis, that is, the practical implementation of economic rights and the protection of copyright in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

The objectives of the RPA UOS is to implement the rights of authors and copyright holders to receive royalties for the public performance and for broadcasting over the air or by cable.

Owners of copyright and related rights, such as LLP “Creative Center” ACD records », as well as many Kazakh songwriters and composers have voluntarily provided us credentials for the collective management of their economic rights. If you are interested in our offer we invite you to cooperate with us.

Full name:

in a state language: «Авторлар әндерінің одағы» Республикалық қоғамдық бiрлестiгі;

in Russian language: Республиканское общественное объединение «Союз авторов песен»

Abbreviated name:

in a state language: «АӘО» РҚБ

in Russian language: РОО «САП»

Location of Association:

Postcode 160024, Bldg. 22,
Amangeldy street, Kaitpas microdistrict,
Karatau district, Shymkent city,
Republic of Kazakhstan
